Thursday, May 1, 2008

The essence of two-way radio calls in the Information Society

AN information society is a society in which people interact with technology as an important part of life and social organization to exchange information on a global scale by using various types of new media facilities. The use of radio call devices in this case, have proved to be successful in addressing the global information society issues pertaining to various aspects of human economic developments. The scientific make up of the device is unique, and therefore never interact with any communication channel when set in use.

In this regard, radio calls plays an important role to minimize the workload of the people who are engaged in the communication sector, and for security purposes, they ease communication link in regardless of a determined particular range of frequency in use.
The devices are commonly used by the police force, fire brigade firms, local and international security firms, transport agents as well as in marine operational related companies. In all these sectors, people use radio calls as means of communication to facilitate their workings while in action serving the people.

In order to achieve and provide the reliable security services, the working groups have considerably intensified their resources to the communication network through Radio Calls (the so-called walkie-talkie) to the premises and mostly during patrolling. These tools are vital to security as it used for emergency assistance and also to control the guards and receptionists while at work. Radio communication is coordinated from the main base or mobile base radio for continuous checking.

Of late, most Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) devices have become an important source of information for development in developing countries though up to now statistics shows that a great portion of the ICT’s infrastructure in Africa region, is still poor. The insufficient electric power supply in most parts in Africa is attributed to be the most contributing factor which hampers the development of the ICTs, and thus this is a great impediment to the growth of the ICTs and the communication sector in general.

Lack of electricity in general, has caused a detrimental effects to the development of the information technology in the area, and consequently the impending situation retards the quick use of the devices in the information society. The revolutionary changes that have been taking place in radio communications are rapidly shrinking the global village into an even tinier sphere with new technologies heralding a new era of a connected society.

With the onset of privatization drive, most African nations are freeing their airwaves to privately run enterprises in the communication sector though corporation in which governments have greater stakes, these are still the predominant players in this field of the information society. Evolving radio communication technology just like any other microwave communication technology, has produced unrivalled innovation both in theoretical concepts and practical implementation.

There is only one type of a radio communication media, namely the wireless technology. Unlike fixed cabling that is used for a telecommunication link, the technology used for radio calls, is different and too complicated, says a renowned radio technician Fadhili Omary. Some years ago, no one would have thought of a tiny thread of glass capable of carrying thousands of speech messages simultaneously. Either no one would have thought of system of satellite orbiting the earth and providing worldwide communications.

Microwaves are extensively used as carriers of information in both terrestrial and satellite systems. Such a rapid advancements in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have resulted into convergence of technology and services.

Although the history of microwaves can be traced way back before 1940s, this technology was extensively required for the radio detection of aircraft and shipping during the World war II that provided a real need for development of special techniques and devices. The invention of magnetron which provided a reliable high power source of microwaves was one of the most important contributions. Microwaves communications systems embrace microwave terrestrial radio links, tropospheric scatter communications, radar and navigation aids.

In most networks today, especially in developed countries, the demand for radio communication, Information Technology and multimedia services continues to grow at a rapid pace. Satellite communications also continues to play a key role in international services. Line of site radio systems for telephony and television relay data and personal communications are a landmark in most of the world today. Line of sight radio relay network are a subject of space wave which are limited in their propagation by the curvature of the earth.

Fibre optic spans and microwave radio links are synergistically deployed as network elements in many parts of the world. Each has its own unique and strong attributes, and both are interconnected seamlessly while supporting common trucking.

In Tanzania for instance, it is worthwhile to remind ourselves of the history of development of the ICT since liberalization of the communication sector in the early 1990s. Since then, the exercise has had a positive impact on the sector resulting into the mushrooming of the communication companies which strives very hard to stay at the helm of a connected society by investing in and providing the necessary new media facilities.

Up to 1993, the telecommunication services in the country were being offered exclusively by the former Tanzania Posts and Telecommunication Corporation (TPTC), the state owned entity that also provided regulatory functions. These services that were provided included radio calls of which customers had very little choice, postal services, telephone, telex, and telegraph. Services such as mobile cellular phones, data, internet, courier service, card phone and messaging were not in existence.

Tanzania’s government, after having realized the importance of ICT sector has done a commendable job indeed, this is in line with the recently formed Ministry of Information and Communication Technology in the country whose jurisdiction is to mandate the ICT related activities in the country.

The Ministry which was formed in a recent cabinet reshuffle is expected to bring more changes in the development of the sector in general. The achievements in the ten years of regulating ICT sector in the country is evidenced by increased level of communications services such as mobile, data, and internet services.

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