Monday, April 7, 2008

Should Col. Muamar Gaddafi apologize for his sayings?

Colonel Muamar Gaddafi, the President of Libya was recently in Uganda for an official state visit. Together with other activities as the visiting head of State, he attended the Afro-Arab youth festival which was taking place in Ugandan capital city Kampala. He also opened a State-of-the-art mosque which has been named after his name, this mosque is believed to be the biggest in East, Central and Southern Africa region. The old Kampala mosque the name given to the building before is now called ‘Gaddafi National Mosque’ which has been built in magnificent scale.

While closing the Afro-Arab youth festival as a guest of honour, Col. Gaddafi in his speech openly advised Ugandan President who was his ghost, Yoweri Museveni (Who has been in power since 1986) that he should not retire for as long as he has the will of the people. Gaddafi expressed skepticism about democracy as seen or recommended by the west, saying it is not compatible with the African system. Should Gaddafi’s words of thought be left to rule over? Is this the way of developing and maintaining the sprit of democracy in Africa? Does democracy stands in someone’s views?

What an unhelpful guest was he before the eyes of Ugandan political analysts and intellectuals? Instead of wishing Ugandan President the best in his final term, he instead endorsed a fourth term and mocked the country’s constitution. My views would never pass without a comment on this issue as it sounds like a painful catalyst made to lure peoples’ mind into dismantling peace and tranquility in Africa region. I would urge Ugandans to stand firm and not to accept kind of a belief. Do you think there are no good people who can rulke Uganda?

President Gaddafi also hailed President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe for being a true African leader more than anybody else, something that is quite untrue. Mugabe’s issue has clung in a reverse trend. It shows Africa needs helps and the fact that one was a freedom fighter for the land, those ideas are gone and they should whatsoever guarantee their positions in power for long.

President Robert Mugabe has assured the people of Zimbabwe in his recent campaign rallies that he would never see an opposition party tasking over the control of Zimbabwean government. “One would think he is the one who created it” He had either sworn in public view that he would never see the MDC party, the strongest opposition party in the country see ruling his country may be when he is dead. In fact those are stupid ideas for an educated man in a society. Mugabe and Museveni are examples of those African greedy leaders who have resolved to stay in power until death separates them. A change of rule is as a good as a rest, people needs change to restore their mindset in peace. African leaders must show examples like what the Late Julius Nyerere of Tanzania did. Another good example was shown by Nelson Mandela of South Africa who sacrificed most of his teenage life in prison just for the sake of the majority South African population who were being subjected under the imperial laws of apartheidsm.

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