Monday, August 17, 2009

Call for Tanzanians to develop the habit of reading books

TANZANIANS have been urged to develop the habit of reading books so as to increase their knowledge based talents and skills needed for the development of human resource associated with every sector of economy. The call has been made by Professor Mugyabuso Mulokozi of the University of Dar es Salaam whose research work reveals that, the rate of reading in the country had lowered to a minimum level below 60 percent at present, this is a decrease compared to the maximum level standards of 96 percent in 1970s. However, he said that it is very astonishing to see that, the reasons for diminishing standard rates is mostly due to lack of commitments and sheer ignorance which he said is growing among most Tanzanians who do not want to learn by reading books and other publications so as to widen up their knowledge. Under this situation, he has suggested that a joint concerted effort is highly needed in order to save the nation which he said in the near future is likely to lose credible experts in any important field of learning for a particular sector of the national development. Prof. Mulokozi threw the challenge last week in Dar es Salaam at a press conference which he conducted as a chairperson of the preparatory committee of a ten people selected by Tanzania Reading Association (TRA) which organized the 6th bi-annual African continental forum.

The Chairperson of the preparatory committee of the 6th Pan-African bi-annual Reading Conference for all Professor Mugyabuso Mulokozi responds questions from a team of journalists from the National electronic media (TBC) during the conference outside Nkrumah Hall at the main campus of the University of Dar es Salaam last week. Among other things, professor said that, the rate of reading books in Tanzania had reduced by 32 percent from early 1970s to date.

This is a Pan-African Reading Conference for All which was organized in collaboration with Children Book Project for Tanzania Develop Literature Society, and took place in Tanzania between 10th and 14th August 2009 at Nkrumah Hall at the University of Dar es Salaam main campus. Among other things, Prof. Mulokozi noted that, “reading books is a way of distance learning and the habit is important because people gets education by acquiring different knowledge from book authors, however he added that this a self-learning habit, in this way people are able to avert poverty as education matters in all walks of people’s life.” Narrating on the importance of the conference earlier on, Prof. Mulokozi said that, the conference gave the idea of education the first priority whereby key stakeholders such as teachers in the country got a chance to share experiences with their counterparts. This is the first time for Tanzania to have hosted such a big event and about 200 teachers from various corners in the country participated in this conference. In total a number of 204 people from various corners of the world participated.

Nicole hunter, one of the invited guests from USA exchanges views with a Kenyan novelist Professor Ngugi wa Thion’go outside the Nkrumah hall during the conference. About 204 foreigners from about 20 countries all over the world attended the meeting.

The forum whose theme is “Literacy for Community Based Social-Economic transformation and Development”, involved apart from teachers, different scholars, students, publishers, book-sellers, policy makers and other close stakeholders in book industry. About 250 topics had been submitted to the organizing committee of people who presented their views at the conference, and among the key participants came from Nigeria, Botswana, Morocco, South Africa, USA and Canada. Others came from Uganda, Kenya, Ghana, Zambia, Rwanda, Malawi, Denmark, Australia, Norway, Swaziland, Australia, New-Zealand, Cameroon and United Kingdom and the hosts Tanzania. The Pan-African Reading for All Conference is one of the most exciting and most memorable literacy events on the African continent. It is organized bi-annually by the International Reading Association’s International Development Committee in Africa (IRA/IDAC) and the National Reading Association in the host country. The first edition was held in 1999 in the glamorous South African City of Pretoria. The second edition was held in Abuja in Nigeria in 2001. In 2003, the third edition was held in Kampala, the city of seven hills in Uganda. In 2005, the 4th edition of the Pan-African Reading for All conference was taken down south to Swaziland, commonly known as the Switzerland of Africa because of its scenic beauty and climate. The most recent edition of the conference held in August 2007 took place in the West African country of Ghana, known for its gold wealth.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

DITF, a fascinating annual event in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

THIS year’s Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair (DITF) brought a dramatic change to its show goers. The fair has become the most trading ground whereby most stakeholders of local and international trade partners have met to exchange views and experience in business. According to the statistics made available by the organizers of the event, the Board of External Trade (BET), a total of 27 countries, 41 Tanzanian organizations, 300 small entrepreneurs and 860 local Tanzanian companies participated in this annual event going on its 33rd since its inception. Every year, this occasion is being held at Mwalimu Nyerere grounds popularly known as Sabasaba grounds which is situated along Kilwa Road in Temeke district in Dar es Salaam region. Since 1996, the DITF has been recognized by the UFI (The International Association of the Exhibition Industry) which previously was known as Union Des Foirers Internationales. Having been recognized many foreign countries recognizes and values it which makes it to be among top international exhibitions in Africa.

The DITF show ground in Dar es Salaam

The presence of permanent pavilions at DITF fair ground popularly known as the “Sabasaba trade fair ground” is an indication that a tremendous development has been made by the Board of External Trade (BET) the organizer of this annual event.

Sasatel, is a newly established mobile phone company operating in the country. It’s the sixth mobile phone company to be registered in the country.

The 33rd DITF show in Dar es Salaam

David .W. Magige, a computer scientist and a programmer working at the University of Dar es Salaam library services, showing show goers how the University has transformed its library services into digital format at the University pavilion during the 33rd Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair (DITF) at Mwalimu Nyerere grounds in Dar es Salaam.

The Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner in a group photograph with the workers of Hyundai East Africa Ltd who posed with their trophy which they had won after being announced the first winner of the Construction equipment award category during the recent DITF at Mwalimu Nyerere’s fair ground. Holding the trophy is the company’s Managing Director Mr. Kermal

The US Embassy and the Police force during the 33rd DITF show

People getting information at the US Embassy office accredited in Tanzania at the DITF trade fair.

A well-known artist of Mizengwe program normally aired by ITV Television in the country, Mr. Masele trying to drive a motorcycles at DITF grounds. The motorcycles were on sale at the trade fair grounds.

At the Police pavilion, some show goers were given chance to ride on horse’s back as the case of this lady.

An announcer welcoming show goers at the police pavilion during the 33rd DITF trade fair.

Police force demonstration at the 33rd DITF in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Two police officers each one on the back of a horse demonstrating how capable they are when chasing for a criminal in pursuit in order to get hold of him while riding on the back of a horse. This was during the 33rd DITF trade fair show

A wonderful scene that puzzled show goers is when a police dog was ordered to pick a Tanzanian flag among the three flags which were spread on the ground. To the great dismay many were puzzled to see a dog that could recognize a Tanzanian flag and picked it from the ground.

Here a police dog demonstrates how capable it can detect a briefcase containing cocaine drugs and other drug pellets illegally transported by criminals at the airport.

Here a dog demonstrates how it can jump through a hole made like a window in an attempt to chase a criminal, while his master is running alongside it in a practical show during the 33rd DITF trade fair. Everybody was amazed by the way these dogs performed before them.

People getting information about how the police force in the country provides their services to the people.

The Ministry of Tourism and Natural Resources has been the major participant in this international trade fair, and call for Tanzanians to visit and enjoy the most wildlife treasure and most tourist attractions has been the order of the day. Many Tanzanians including the affluent, regard tourism as the business of foreigners especially the white people. A random survey at the just ended DITF trade fair has found that for every 10 executives, hardly five of them have ever seen a live lion or an elephant. In Dar es Salaam most of the people have never visited even the closest national parks of Mikumi and Saadani or tourist attractions in Bagamoyo. Bagamoyo is a famous spot for ruins left behind by slave trade, German colonial administration and the Kaole where there are buildings by Persians and Arabs who occupied the area in the 12th century. This was observed during the 33rd DITF where the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism declared its goal to promote domestic tourism. The Ministry’s pavilion is perhaps the most popular spot at the Mwalimu Nyerere show grounds, as thousands of visitors call to have a glimpse of live game under captivity there. This time the Ministry brought different animals at the pavilion that included a male lion and two white little lion species from South Africa, leopard, giraffe, monkeys, python, crocodiles, hyena and many others. Also in the cages are different types of birds and snakes of different species.

The Ministry of Tourist at the DITF show in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

The Ministry of Tourism and Natural resources pavilion has become the most attracting point to show goers at DITF.

A show goer getting information from the exhibitor at Ngorongoro conservation authority pavilion inside the Ministry’s pavilion